Vanimates Production house based in Mumbai recently created an animation viral TVC for Godrej. The advertisement ‘Thakur ke Haath’ is a spoof on Gabbar and Thakur, the famous characters of the film Sholay.
The 45 seconds TVC is being aired currently on Sab TV alone. The Vanimates team credits on the TVC include Creative Director Vijay Pisal, Concept Art Development by Yogesh and Animation by Sameer, Paresh and Akshay.Explaining the making of ‘Thakur ke Haath’ Vaishali Mahadik, Founder, Vanimates Studio says, “We did this advt. with JWT (Ad Agency) and they had given us a very whacky script. Lots of gags were added by us while animating it since the agency demanded a new style that would stand out from the rest of the viral ads. After working on viral specific styles we explored this one, though it is flat and the layer moves in different timing we got the depth in the film.”
The 45 seconds TVC is being aired currently on Sab TV alone. The Vanimates team credits on the TVC include Creative Director Vijay Pisal, Concept Art Development by Yogesh and Animation by Sameer, Paresh and Akshay.Explaining the making of ‘Thakur ke Haath’ Vaishali Mahadik, Founder, Vanimates Studio says, “We did this advt. with JWT (Ad Agency) and they had given us a very whacky script. Lots of gags were added by us while animating it since the agency demanded a new style that would stand out from the rest of the viral ads. After working on viral specific styles we explored this one, though it is flat and the layer moves in different timing we got the depth in the film.”
“Animation is a great form of entertainment which is not only for children but for adults as well. Keeping this in mind we create content which whole family can enjoy together. We aim to make animation a source to teach children and educate them, so that they can learn more than what is taught at their schools or at home,” Vaishali adds.
In the past, Vanimates has done ad films for Axis Bank viral, O&M, ICICI 2D “Chintamani Tax saver” ad, and a 3D ad for Johnson & Johnson. They have also worked for feature films like UTV’s Alibaba & 41 thieves (pre-production) and Dream blanket (pre-production).