Your channel Times Now is all set to become India’s first 3D news channel, where you can have three dimensional viewpoints of everything, not only the issues being discussed. Many people accuse Arnab Goswami of seeing every issue in black and white, but things would change once Times Now shifts to 3D broadcast.“We realized that in order to justify the tag ‘your channel’ that we have given to Times Now, we must personalize the experience of television viewers,” Vineet Jain, Chairman of Times Group said, “Broadcasting news in 3D seemed the best option as people can feel our anchors and guests spread out in their TV room, and they would almost feel like jumping in the debate themselves.”Television news viewers agree.Times Now has specific plans to use 3D television cameras while news gathering, especially when reporting “breaking news”.“Imagine the video clip of a man throwing slippers on Kalmadi in 3D; I guess people would not want to see news in 2D again,” Mr. Jain expressed hope and confidence.Experts believe that very soon other news channels, especially Hindi news channels, would have no choice but to start 3D broadcast, as they otherwise seem clueless on ways to improve the “quality” of news.“If India TV starts showing Rakhi Sawant and Veena Malik in 3D, I can imagine Aaj Tak going out of business,” an expert said.