Prime Focus has provided Digital Intermediate services for the recently released movie ‘My Name is Khan‘. The film has been color graded by Rohan Desai, DI head and Chief Colorist, Prime Focus, who has some of the biggest Bollywood projects to his credit including ‘Black‘, ‘Saawariya‘, ‘Ghajini‘, ‘New York‘ and ‘Wake up Sid‘, to name a few. Overseen by Dharam production and Red Chilies Entertainment and distributed by Fox Star entertainment.
, the movie features leading actors like Shahrukh Khan and Kajol. It is also one of the biggest deliveries for Prime Focus, with multiple versions for Distributor- Fox and various negative options for its worldwide release. ‘My Name is Khan‘ is a story being told by Rizwan Khan, the protagonist of the movie, about the events of his life right from his childhood. Since the film moves through various time zones and eras, the visuals needed to be subtlety defined in terms of look without disturbing the narrative. The film posed a number of challenges for the team at Prime Focus. Talking about them, Rohan Desai said "One of the biggest challenges in the film was to hold all the different visuals together despite them being so different in terms of look, and to make them flow through seamlessly. The other challenge was to strike a balance between realism and glamour, to make the viewers believe in ‘Rizwan Khan‘ who is an ordinary man, set off on an extraordinary journey.
"Working with Prime Focus has been a wonderful experience, much like our previous partnerships in projects like ‘Black‘ and ‘Ghajini‘. I completely trust Rohan‘s sensibility as a Colorist and I am extremely pleased with the look and feel of the Film" said Ravi K Chandran, DOP. "My Name is Khan is the kind of film that makes me proud to be a feature film colorist and my biggest satisfaction is being able to bring the Director and Dop‘s vision of this enthralling story to the screen" concluded Desai.