Sultan the Warrior’ by Chennai based Ocher Studios has a new twist to it. Superstar Rajinikanth appears in more than one role in ‘Sultan the Warrior’ and one of them would be a non-animated character, with his typical mannerisms and style. The live action character is said to feature in total for about 20 minutes across the entire stretch of the film. The film is to be released in a number of different languages including Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam and English to name a few. In the world arena it is set to be released in Italian as Rajinikanth’s movies are loved in Italy, it will also be released in a few other European languages and Japanese. Speaking to Ocher Studios Chief Marketing Officer and Executive Producer of Sultan Karthik G said “One of the main reasons to have a live action character of Rajinikanth is that the character requires it so. Having a live action character along with the 3D animated characters is also a great challenge for us to match them and bring out the final output.
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