South India Tamil channel Kalaignar TV launched its new kids channel ‘Chithiram TV’ today, June 3rd, 2010 which happens to be the birthday of the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Karunanidhi, the owner of the channel. Targeting children in the age group of 2 to 14, the regional kids channel will be a host to mostly international animation content. The channel will available on DTH throughout the world.It has also acquired from Accel Animation, the original Tamil version of ‘Ek Tha Jungle’ titled as ‘Thirukkural kadhikal’ meaning Thitukkural stories. The international content includes shows such as ‘He-Man’, ‘Charlie Chaplin’, ‘Hello Kitty’, ‘Sonic Hedge Hog’, ‘Dennis the Menace’, ‘King Kong’, ‘Archir & Sabrina’ and many more.
Speaking to Kalaingar TV General Manager Florent C.Pereira said “The channel would be an info edutainment channel and would focus on not only providing entertainment to the children but will also inform and educate them. The ‘Thirukkural kadhikal’ would be aired in a format which will appeal to the Tamil audience, with ‘Kural’ recital and narration by eminent personalities which would educate the children.”The channel will have a strong animation content focusing on classical. A major percent of the content that will be aired during primetime on the channel will be dominated by animation.
Kalaignar TV is one of the lastest entrants in the Tamil satellite TV entertainment and information sector and was on the fast track right since it took off on September 15, 2007. In setting benchmarks, Kalaignar TV is in a league of its own, having launched seven channels catering to varied genres of infotainment for a global audience.
Speaking to Kalaingar TV General Manager Florent C.Pereira said “The channel would be an info edutainment channel and would focus on not only providing entertainment to the children but will also inform and educate them. The ‘Thirukkural kadhikal’ would be aired in a format which will appeal to the Tamil audience, with ‘Kural’ recital and narration by eminent personalities which would educate the children.”The channel will have a strong animation content focusing on classical. A major percent of the content that will be aired during primetime on the channel will be dominated by animation.
Kalaignar TV is one of the lastest entrants in the Tamil satellite TV entertainment and information sector and was on the fast track right since it took off on September 15, 2007. In setting benchmarks, Kalaignar TV is in a league of its own, having launched seven channels catering to varied genres of infotainment for a global audience.
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