With a current gross collection of Rs. 101 crores, the film is also the biggest ever 3D film in India with 3D collections amounting to around 35% of the total gross. Doing strong business across various centers in India, Avatar has earned record collections at IMAX and 3D theatres across India.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Avatar grosses 100 Crores in India
It is certainly a moment of celebration for Fox Star Studios as their epic film Avatar sets new records for Hollywood films in India by crossing the Rs. 100 crores mark. James Cameron’s action adventure is not only the biggest ever Hollywood film in India but has also left behind several Bollywood hits at the box office. Avatar has become the second biggest film for 2009, after 3 Idiots, and will eventually feature in all time top ten grossers in India.
While collections from the English prints amounts to Rs. 50.5 crores, the film has also earned a collection of Rs. 26 crores with its Hindi dubbed version, and a further Rs. 24 Crores from Tamil and Telugu dubbed versions.The film has also overtaken 3 Idiots in several parts of North and South India and is also giving strong competition to local superstar movies in South India.Interestingly, the collections from single screens (49%) are as high as the earnings from multiplexes (51%) which prove that the film has been appreciated by audiences all over.
Vijay Singh, CEO, Fox Star Studios India says, “The phenomenal success of Avatar has been a trailblazer as viewers responded across metro cities as also smaller markets; making Avatar the second largest film for 2009 after 3 Idiots! Avatar’s success also demonstrates Fox Star Studios’ ability to successfully handle the marketing and distribution of big films. We eagerly look forward to the Oscar season”.
Talking about the stupendous performance of the film, renowned Trade Analyst Taran Adarsh says, “Everywhere I go, anyone I meet, the topic steers to 3 Idiots and Avatar. Post Titanic, Avatar is the first Hollywood film that continues to work wonders at the box-office, even after several weeks of strong show at the box-office. A number of Hollywood films have left an indelible impression in India, but none to beat Avatar, which occupies the top slot today. Its numbers are magical. In fact, Avatar has set new benchmarks in India by crossing the Rs.100 crores mark, which only goes to show that the moviegoers have embraced the film so warmly. Avatar, for me, is not merely a film. It's an experience”.
Avatar won two Golden Globes last week for Best Motion Picture (Drama) and Best Director, making it a strong contender for the forthcoming Oscars in March. The film is expected to pick up as many as 9 nominations in several categories, including Best Picture and Best Director for the prestigious awards. Avatar has also received eight nominations at the upcoming British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) 2010. Avatar has been nominated in the categories of best film, cinematography, editing, music, production design, sound and special effects. Cameron has also been nominated for best
For more details log on to: http://entertainment.oneindia.in/bollywood/box-office/2010/avatar-100-crores-220110.html
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