Prime Focus VFX team added another award to its kitty by winning the prestigious Apsara award for Best Visual Effects for their work on Bollywood blockbuster 'Blue'. The award was presented to Merzin Tavaria, Chief Creative Director, Prime Focus and VFX supervisor on Blue and Reupal Rawal, VFX supervisor. Prime Focus received 4 out of the 5 nominations in the VFX category.The awards were announced at the recently held Apsara Film and Television Producers Guild Awards ceremony held in Mumbai. The other movies that Prime Focus was nominated were for 'Ghajini', 'Tum Mile' and 'Wanted' with Merzin Tavaria being the Creative Director for all and Ritesh Aggarwal and Mahesh Baria, being the VFX Supervisors for 'Tum Mile' and 'Wanted' respectively.
Yes i think that VFX was the only good things about the movie.