New Delhi: Ace singers Shaan and Kailash Kher, both known for their versatile singing have sung for the Hindi Animation 3D Film "BIRD IDOL", being produced by Goel Screencraft, which will be released by Warner Bros. on 23rd April, 2010.
Not only this, Bollywood actress Juhi Chawla, who has been doing some singing lately, has also sung in the film. Directed by Jyotin Goel, the film has music composed by Sangeet Haldipur and Siddharth Haldipur. Also Singer Neeraj Shridhar has lent his voice to a song in the film, thus making the film an amalgamation of talented and renowned Indian Artists.
BIRD IDOL comprises of a bunch of 11 songs out of which 4 are remixes. Shaan has sung songs Hey You, Oomph Soniye, and Happy Bird-Day, which are most power-packed songs in the film. Kailash Kher has sung the song Fly Fly Fly, which is another enthusiastic song, matching his flavor of singing. Actress Juhi Chwala has sung the song Dil Jaana, which is a sweet & melodious duet song. Neeraj Shridhar has sung the remix version of Hey You.
“BIRD IDOL is a cute film which will entertain Kids as well as their parents and it will also appeal to the youth for sure as it is like a typical masala Hindi film. The song I sung in the film is very beautiful as well, though it is a duet song, but I had to work real hard to get in to right vocal cords for the song. I don’t do much of singing because I am not a professional singer, but when Jyotin approached me with the song and concept, I couldn’t resist. I hope people like the film and ofcourse my voice in the song Dil Jaana,” is what Juhi Chawla says of her singing in the film.Shaan who has sung most of the songs in BIRD IDOL, says- “I have sung so many songs in our Hindi Films, but to sing for the first ever fully Indian animation film was so much fun and actually there were no such apprehension about whether my voice will match with the lead actor or the situation, because normally in our Hindi Films, this is a major concern, but here we had a Hero, with whom any voice can go, because it is an animated Hero. Also the songs are much like the Bollywood style music and they have something new about them, they sound so fresh when you hear them.”
The story of BIRD IDOL revolves around a bird called ‘Hummy’ who is not happy with the bird music and is greatly impressed by human music and how he introduces human music to the bird music by entering into a competition called Bird Idol and with his genuine effort he puts himself and his parents into trouble.“My Song ‘Fly Fly Fly’ is an energetic song and the first time when I heard the composition, I knew it would be an instant hit because it has so much of thump in it. It gives great positivity and comes at an important situation in the film. It was like an experiment with singing in BIRD IDOL, but it was no different than singing in Films or Albums, coz actually I could relate to the character while singing. The song is so universal, which is so special about it. So my final words, Fly Fly Fly with BIRD IDOL in theatres.” is what Kailaksh Kher Speaks of his song in the film.Unlike other Animation films, BIRD IDOL is a unique film which has all the elements that of a typical Bollywood film. It has a love story, singing, dancing and also a Villain for twists in the story. Another USP of the film is that it has been made by totally Indian crew and on Indian musical instruments. Every effect that you see in the film is the output of the Indian intelligence. Thus it can be said that it is the first ever 3D Indian Animation Film in Hindi Lingual.
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