Asus has launched its gaming notebook the Asus G51J 3D that is equipped with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260M/GTX 360M with 1GB DDR3 video memory, EAX and CMSS audio technology and Altec Lansing speakers. Powered by an Intel Core i7 processor and 64-bit Windows 7 Operating System, the notebook comes bundled with specially designed 3D glasses.The 3D Vision active-shutter glasses coupled with a wide-range infra-red emitter delivers stereoscopic images with clarity, brightness and depth-of-field (DOP) at full resolution. The GPU driver and a 120Hz 3D panel render each scene twice, delivering up to 60 images evenly to each eye, amounting to a total of up to 120 images at any given time. Gamers can experience total immersion into their games from what were previously flat 2D worlds, to true-to-life 3D.Complementing the immersive visual effects is EAX Advanced HD 4.0 3D audio technology and CMSS surround sound. EAX Advanced HD 4.0 audio technology enhances in-game environments and scenarios by providing corresponding three dimensional sound effects. It can provide up to 64 additional sound effects from its sound library and produces ultra-realistic spatial effects for more than 300 supported games. Together with high fidelityAltec Lansing speakers, the Asus G51J 3D delivers a gaming and multimedia audio experience that no other notebook can match.
Powered by the latest Intel Core i7 processor for multitasking muscle on-the-move, the Asus G51J 3D features four dedicated physical cores working in tandem with theoperating system and applications for additional performance. It allows users to utilize and launch multiple applications, and to enjoy high definition multimedia and processor-intensive games effortlessly.
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