Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What Features Would You Want from a Google TV

Now that we've read fairly firm proof  that Google's looking to get into the set-top TV market, we're wondering what they'll deliver that's new and unique. YouTube, a semi-decent browser, sure—but what else would you want on your biggest screen?So far, the only details confirmed by sources at Google's partners through the New York Times' reporting is that Google's TV appliance runs on a version of Android, contains a version of Chrome, and aims to bring certain web apps, and certainly search, to the TV. YouTube, Twitter, and Picasa Web Albums are likely candidates, but it's easy to imagine that Google would have to do a lot more to make consumers want to buy another object to hook up to their TVs.

So, have at it. You're a consultant brought in by Google to advise on their TV project. A swarm of coders and engineers are waiting to make your ultimate web-connected television a reality. What sites or webapps do you tailor the screen for? What Google-connected features do you bake in? File syncing? Video chat?

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