Cartoon Network has crowned the "virtual" football team from India called "Chargers" as the ultimate regional champion of the first-ever online Asia Pacific Toon Football tournament, The Toon Cup ( against national champions Team WoWoWee from the Philippines, winning team Team Chargers went head to head with their Philippines counterpart in a fantastic show of virtual fancy footwork, after beating 14 other teams to reach the final round. The finals saw representatives from Australia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, with Team Upers and Chargers from India, Team WoWoWee from the Philippines, and Team TR11C from Malaysia, as the final four contenders."Toon Football will be available year round for kids to start training for the next Toon Cup tournament in 2011. We‘ll be enhancing the experience with some awesome new features so be on the look out for new mini tournaments, Cartoon Network characters and avatar items," said Ben.Since its launch, Toon Football has seen a great response from India with the number of unique visitors to the site being 292948; the total number of teams that were created from India was 27,538 and the number of avatars built by India were 31,730. Overall, a new avatar and team were built every minute across the Asia-Pacific region.In addition to the Cartoon Network Asia Pacific Toon Cup title, each member of the winning team will receive a Nintendo Wii Sports Resort Bundle and an Amazon Kindle e-Book Reader.
Toon Football is a free-to-play online game that catapults players into the crazy world of Cartoon Network. Players create their own unique avatars (choosing hair styles, skin colour, eyes, gender, outfits and shoes) and can join an existing team or create a new team with friends or family! Each team consists of four players plus one Toon which can be chosen from Cartoon Network favourites, including Chowder, Dexter, Four Arms and many more. Choose a team to challenge or let the system arrange a match. Each team member plays the game separately, so players can ‘go for goal‘ at their own convenience.
Toon Football is a free-to-play online game that catapults players into the crazy world of Cartoon Network. Players create their own unique avatars (choosing hair styles, skin colour, eyes, gender, outfits and shoes) and can join an existing team or create a new team with friends or family! Each team consists of four players plus one Toon which can be chosen from Cartoon Network favourites, including Chowder, Dexter, Four Arms and many more. Choose a team to challenge or let the system arrange a match. Each team member plays the game separately, so players can ‘go for goal‘ at their own convenience.
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